The mission of GIGO is to accelerate towards a sustainable future. We help people make conscious decisions about recycling through the lens of sustainability.
1. Recycle right: Easily find the disposal information by scanning item's bar code or using the search bar.
2. Inform others with your vote on how to best recycle a product or packaging in your area.
3. Add products to our database to help thousand of people to have access to accurate disposal information.
As of now, we are working on creating a database from the Whole Foods store(we have to start somewhere:-), and so if you shop at Whole Foods - it could be handy. We welcome your suggestions for us to add other stores to the database. You can add products to the database from any store, as long as they have UPC code.
We do not put our application behind a paywall: this gives everyone equal access to our recycling information.
We are entirely independent from any corporation.
Currently, we operate in USA and Canada.
We appreciate constructive feedback. Please email us at
[email protected].
Yours truly, with a mission to accelerate humanity to a sustainable future.