Tourist Guide to Santiago de Compostela
We present Pro Tour Santiago possibly the best cultural and leisure application of Santiago de Compostela, with more than 100 places to visit and free. With maps and Street Online and Offline, Mobile, Reviews, Photos, Events and Events, Weather and more.
With this travel guide you'll have all the information of Santiago on your mobile, you can access to the best attractions of this fabulous city:
-Free Caps.
-Local holiday.
-Shops and shopping centers
-The sights of Santiago
You can access the web, the tripadvisor reviews and photos of key places, Connect GPS to get to the place without getting lost.
Moreover he will have all the information history Santiago where we will explain the legends on the Camino de Santiago, As for Today, festivals and cuisine of Santiago and Galicia in general.
Phone list of the main points of Santiago (Airports, Taxis, Train, Bus, SOS, Emergency, Civil Guard ... etc..).
Keep up the events that will be in your city this week.
See the weather in Santiago de Compostela
Access maps and street Offline. No downloads.
Most of the information can be accessed without need for downloads or internet, send translated into Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and German.
All information of Santiago de Compostela in an application.