Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI
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Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI
Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI

Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI

Official app for SESI and SENAI students from Santa Catarina

Developer: FIESC
App Size: Varies With Device
Release Date:
Price: Free
Varies With Device

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Official application of Student SESI and SENAI / SC.

With the application, SESI and SENAI students from Santa Catarina have access to information about their courses, perform re-enrollment online, monitor their performance of grades and attendance, view the next times and class locations, in addition to receiving notifications and news from your unit.

Parents / guardians can access the information of students for whom they are responsible.

For student assistance:

Phone: 0800 048 1212
E-mail: [email protected]
Opening hours: 08:00 - 22:30
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Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI 2.11.11 Update
2024-07-19 Version History
- Correção ao adicionar uma nova PPE ao diário.

Funcionalidade de troca de mensagens PPE entre aluno e professor. O aluno poderá:
- Visualizar mensagens enviadas pelo professor.
- Enviar mensagens para o professor.
- Editar mensagens enviadas.
- Visualizar e realizar o download dos anexos enviados pelo professor.
- Enviar anexos para o professor (somente PDF).
- Receber notificações quando o professor enviar uma nova mensagem.

More Information about: Espaço do Estudante SESI SENAI
Price: Free
Version: 2.11.11
Downloads: 157707
Compatibility: Android 7.0
Bundle Id:
Size: Varies With Device
Last Update: 2024-07-19
Content Rating: Everyone
Release Date:
Content Rating: Everyone
Developer: FIESC
