Hi, we are Chipper, and we are here to help you save big. Chipper connects buyers and sellers - so that each party gets the products he really wants, at the best price.
To save, just look for Chipper coupons by category or proximity to you. You can also define the categories that interest you and we will already show you the chipper coupons that will best suit you.
In Chipper you will find benefits by categories. Just choose the categories that will help you save and we will show you the chips in those categories first. So how do I save? Just keep the chipper and realize as much as you want. Saving the coupon is free, does not require you to make a purchase and there is no limit to the amount of chips that can be saved. You know (:
We will continue to evolve, launch many more benefits and surprises and offer new ways to save in stores and online sites.