Data intelligence to transform the future of cities. This is the proposal of Cidade Única, a platform that brings together information from 5,570 cities in the country and allows the monitoring of the main economic, social and demographic indicators. The system is fed by official data with at least 5 years of historical series, from public sources such as IBGE, CAGED, RAIS, Ministry of Economy, DATASUS, INEP, PNUD, SICONFI, Anatel, PRF and CGU.
The indicators are updated monthly, providing monitoring of the performance of each municipality in nine axes: Demography, Social, Infrastructure, Public Budget, Economy, Primary Sector, Health, Education and Consumption Potential. Access to the platform is online, simplified and dynamic.
With a few clicks, municipal managers can monitor the main indicators of their city and other Brazilian locations, crossing information from thematic axes and analyzing the evolution of data over time. The application monitors more than 70 indicators, and the graphs generated can be used in presentations or shared on social networks, providing more transparent and accessible administration to citizens.
Cidade Única facilitates comparisons with municipalities with similar social, demographic and economic characteristics, grouped as clusters, enabling public managers to establish development goals and enhance partnerships between city halls. Furthermore, it is feasible to compare a city with any of the 5,570 in Brazil, boosting municipal benchmarking, with the aim of adopting strategies similar to success stories in the country.
As another option for accessing indicators, the system allows the printing of reports covering all indicators on the platform, for any Brazilian city. Cidade Única is the result of a partnership between the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL/SC), through the FIESC Observatory, and the Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service (SEBRAE/SC).