We help you do the job right, the first time – every time.
Rigor Insights is an Operational Analytics System used to increased safety, efficiency, and reliability in your precision operations. By applying Rigor Insights templates to your processes, you can conduct operations with NASA-like precision.
The use of Notes, Cautions, and Warnings unites safety and operations at the time and place of task performance. Accountability is on the forefront of Rigor templates as executed steps are time-stamped with user information. Additionally, user-entered performance data and time-to-complete are tracked and stored as part of every checklist or template record. Operational feedback provided by Rigor Insights is critical to reducing waste and variance, maximizing efficiency and quality.
Visit www.rigorinsights.com or www.checksix.com for additional information.
NOTE: Rigor Insights is only operational when used in conjunction with user accounts administered by Check-6 Inc. Contact us at
[email protected] today!