hokify Jobsearch and Application
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hokify Jobsearch and Application
hokify Jobsearch and Application

hokify Jobsearch and Application

hokify Find vacant positions and apply successfully for jobs in 3 minutes.

App Size: Varies With Device
Release Date: Feb 15, 2016
Price: Free
3,720 Ratings
Varies With Device

Looking for a job? Look no further! With hokify, the largest mobile job platform, finding and applying for the perfect job has never been easier. Explore a wide range of current job offers in your area without the hassle of traditional job searching. Whether you're seeking part-time, full-time, student jobs, apprenticeships, or Saturday jobs, hokify has you covered.

Why choose hokify? Here are the advantages:

- Find thousands of current job offers in your area without the usual hassle of job searching - part-time, full-time, student jobs, apprenticeships, or Saturday jobs.

- Successfully apply in 3 minutes without a cover letter for the jobs that best suit you - nowhere else can you create your successful application more easily.

- Create your resume with just a few clicks or upload your existing resume.

- Receive a positive response from employers faster and start your career with your new job.

- hokify is your step towards a new job with a better salary and a job that you enjoy more.

- hokify primarily offers jobs in the industries of gastronomy, trade, sales, crafts, industry, manufacturing, trade, hospitality, tourism, purchasing, logistics, storage, administration, construction, electronics, installation, automotive mechanics, automotive engineering, health care, nursing, work in construction, and many more.

- hokify offers job offers for people with the following education levels: General secondary school (AMS), apprenticeships, colleges, compulsory school, secondary schools, polytechnic schools, vocational schools, higher schools, academies, universities, universities of applied sciences, vocational schools, general schools, secondary modern schools, grammar schools, new secondary schools, community schools, and without education.

- The hokify job app makes your job search and application experience enjoyable. The hokify job app is 100% free, and your data is treated with strict confidentiality (GDPR compliant). Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Please write to us at [email protected].

-- hokify job market and online job board for employers --

Advertise your ads and job offers cost-effectively on hokify - the largest mobile job platform - and reach thousands of active job seekers via app, website, and social media.

Place your job ads and fill your open positions faster. You can choose between standard, starter, and premium ads. If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
hokify markets your ads through social media (only in the social media premium ad), TV and radio campaigns, other online job boards, on meta job search engines, as well as in the hokify job apps.
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hokify Jobsearch and Application cdv-3.5.63 Update
2023-09-21 Version History
We've made it easier for you to get in touch when companies show interest in you.
In addition, we have improved the stability of the app and fixed some bugs for you. 🐞

~hokify Jobbörse Stellenanzeigen & Bewerbung
More Information about: hokify Jobsearch and Application
Price: Free
Version: cdv-3.5.63
Downloads: 346112
Compatibility: Android 7.0
Bundle Id: com.yfabrik.hocknfinder
Size: Varies With Device
Last Update: 2023-09-21
Content Rating: Everyone
Release Date: Feb 15, 2016
Content Rating: Everyone
Developer: hokify Jobbörse Stellenanzeigen & Bewerbung
