It doesn't matter if you are in Mecca, Medina, Jakarta, USA or anywhere else in the world, Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha'a timings will always be correct.
We use GPS and Internet connection to define your location to show you the exact prayer times. Get notification Athan before every prayer time. You don't need to ask anyone for Qibla direction anymore. With digital compass integration feature, It will show you the direction accurately. If you are a Traveler, It is the perfect app for you.
We offer almost all accepted calculation methods.
- Muslim World League
- Egyptian General Authority of Survey
- University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
- Umm al-Qura University, Makkah
- The Gulf Region
- Moonsighting Committee
- NorthAmerica
- Kuwait
- Qatar
Madhab :
- shafi
- hanafi
Please Connect to the Internet for the exact prayer times and direction to Makkah.
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