Take control of your finances effortlessly with PesoBuffet! Whether you're managing personal expenses or overseeing your household budget, PesoBuffet streamlines financial management with its intuitive features and insightful analytics.
With PesoBuffet, you can set up monthly budgets for each expense category and an overall monthly spend limit, ensuring you stay within your financial goals. Easily add expenses, specifying the category and amount, to keep track of your spending in real-time.
Key Features:
Customizable Budgets: Set up monthly budgets for different expense categories to allocate your funds effectively. Define an overall monthly spend limit to stay on track with your financial goals.
Expense Tracking: Add expenses seamlessly, specifying the category and amount, to monitor your spending habits. Keep a close eye on your financial activity to make informed decisions.
Analytics Data Charts: Gain valuable insights into your spending patterns with comprehensive data charts. Analyze your spending by category for the current month, track your weekly spending by day, and monitor your annual expenditure by month.
Remaining Budget Overview: Stay informed about the amount left to spend in the current month, ensuring you stay within your budgetary constraints. Plan your expenses accordingly to optimize your finances.
Detailed Expense Reports: View detailed charts and lists showcasing spending by category, including all relevant data such as category, amount spent, and remaining budget. Easily filter data by month and year for a customized analysis.
PesoBuffet empowers you to take charge of your financial health with its user-friendly interface and powerful features.