Fast and powerful editor for your color collections saved in ASE format (Adobe Swatch Exchange). It is well integrated to iOS, so you can see thumbnails in a Finder app, use Quick Look and edit collection just by tap on a file on iCloud or Downloads.
Edit functions - drag&drop swatches to reorder, import other collections and export groups as a new ASE files. Of course you can change color, supported any color models supports in ASE format (i.e. RGB, CMYK, Lab, White). Additionally you can use HSV and HSL.
Rename your swatches and groups as you want.
Import (RGB, CMYK, HSV, Lab, Gray) and export (RGB, Lab, Gray, CMYK) of ACO format (Adobe Photoshop).
Import and export of GPL format (GIMP Palette).
Import and export of JASC-PAL format (Paintshop Pro Palette).
Import and export of Swatches format (Procreate Palette).
Import and export of ACT format (Adobe Photoshop Color Table).
Import and export of ACB format (Adobe Color Book).
Sharing and universal clipboard are supported too.
Getting palette from the image.
Dark and light theme for your convenience.